24 Days of Kindness for Preschoolers
My mama heart skipped a beat last week when Emmett came to me asking if we could ‘say thank you’ to the firefighters in our neighbourhood. You see, he’d just had firefighters come into his class to talk about what they do to keep our community safe, and in his sweet...

The One Trick We Use To Turn Our Bad Days Around
Bad days. I'm pretty sure in parenthood (and just in life!) they're unavoidable. And sometimes those days seem to stack up on top of each other until you find yourself in one of those parenting ruts. Amirite? But here's the thing! We have a secret weapon, deployed...

A Letter to My Last Baby on Her First Birthday
You came into the world in a hurry. A week ahead of time, and after a bit of a false start, you made quite the entrance earth-side (good thing those docs are quick on their feet). I swear you came out smiling, and haven’t stopped since. You were sweet, quiet and...

Weekday Pulled Chicken Sandwiches with Carrot Apple Slaw
There are two things about my family that I know for sure: Sandwiches are ALWAYS a hit (I’ve been known to make ‘sandwiches’ out of just about anything to get Emmett to eat it) Weekdays are crazy. A busy, chaotic, rodeo-of-toddlers, kind of busy. So, when Emmett and...

Four Tips to Create Big Style in a Small Bathroom
Okay, so before we get started here I’m going to kick this off with a big ol’ caveat: I’m NOT a professional interior designer. I enjoy creating lovely spaces in our home, but trust me, that does not (ahem) make me a designer. Buuuut, that being said, we did have some...