Live Well and Do Good

by | Apr 17, 2018 | Family, Featured | 6 comments

local-love-communityDisclosure: I have partnered with YMC and Local Love and have received compensation for this post. All opinions are my own.

When we added baby Charlie to the family, I knew things were going to be busy. Two kids under three is no joke, and I fully recognize that we look like a bit of a circus when we’re out in public most days (shout out to every stranger who stops me to say ‘whoa – you sure have your hands full’).

Frankly, parenting these two small people every day usually feels like a marathon on speed (one in which I’m perpetually sweaty, but also covered in poop and spit up more often than I’d like to admit). Add to that working from home part-time, starting a business, working out (ish), and trying to squeeze in the odd minute of quality time with my hubby… and, well, we’re busy.

And I’m going to go ahead and guess that you’re reading this, thinking… yup, yep, check, me too! I’m freaking busy too!

Because you know what? We’re ALL really busy. Raising a family, managing relationships, and managing life is hard, and it’s BUSY.


If you’re anything like me, you’re often left thinking (or dreaming) about doing more. Not more stuff for your family or yourself… cuz that’s just crazy. But more for others.

If you’re like me you have a strong desire to find a way to give back to your community, and feel a need to instill a service mindset in your children. But somehow another day passes, and you all barely make it through alive, and you wonder how you can possibly carve out the time to research, plan and execute acts of service.

Well, Toronto friends. I’m so so SO excited to tell you all about


Imagine a place you could go online to read about inspiring changemakers and good news stories from your community, and where you can find easy ways to Live Well, and Do Good. With a mix of reported stories, thought-provoking essays and service-oriented content, LocalLove offers smart and simple ways to live with impact and do your part.

For example, today I found these amazing and ridiculously easy ways that we could make an impact:

You know that loaf of bread you need to pick up? Grab it from St. John’s Bakery and you’ll support programs that teach the art of baking to people in need of marketable skills. Have some furniture or housewares you need to get rid of? Furniture Bank will take them, and ensure they go to homes that need them – families transitioning out of homelessness or displacement. Want to plan a girls night out with a few friends? Spend the evening at Soup Sisters – you’ll chat, eat, drink, and create a lovely batch of soup that will be donated to a local women’s shelter.


These are just a tiny sample of the amazing folks that brings together. Whether you have five minutes, or 3 hours, there’s an easy way for you to make an impact in your community. And LocalLove is making it so very simple for you to figure out how.

Check it out, fill your heart with goodness, subscribe to their weekly newsletter so you’ll get inspiring updates straight to your inbox, and then let me know how your family is going to give back! We might just join you!

Toronto – you’re a beauty – and LocalLove is going to make sure you keep on shining.



This Guy!


My front line product tester, side kick, fun-seeker, sleep-boycotter, and ultimate joy! We're a team! Oh, and did I mention he has a little baby sister too?!

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