Three Houseplants You Need This Winter

by | Nov 26, 2019 | Featured, Home, Plants | 0 comments

houseplants-bathroom-windowOkay, so November might not typically be the month you most associate with buying new houseplants for your space… I mean it’s more likely you’re thinking about Thanksgiving feasts and Christmas trees!

But here’s the thing: do you know the least expensive thing you can do to make a big ol’ impact on the air quality in your home this winter? You got it. Buy a few houseplants.

And not just any old houseplants. But, the ones that Nasa has researched, studied and identified as the best air purifiers in the botanical world.

Here’s the deal. I’ve gone through the Nasa list, and I’ve pulled out the three plants I think everyone should have in their home this winter (and always!). They’re easy to care for, super forgiving, and they clean your air like freaking champs on those long winter days when your windows are shut tight.

So, here you go:


Snake Plant

If you don’t have one (or four!) of these guys in your home… what are you waiting for? They’re a fabulous addition to a bedroom (where you spend a good chunk of your time at home) or bathroom (they tolerate humidity well), and their air purification skills are next level. They’re also the plant I recommend to everyone as their ‘first plant baby’ because they really are SO easy to care for. I may have accidentally kept one in a dingy basement corner for over a year… and it survived to tell the tale. Pop one in a mid century modern plant stand and make your home beautiful and your air clean!


English Ivy

I have a couple of these babies in hanging planters in our bathroom (they also like humidity!), and they’re a beautiful climbing or hanging planter option. They’ll make the air quality in any room better, and again they’re hearty. You’ll find it pretty darn hard to over or under water these guys, and if they do get a little bit temperamental (they can drop a few leaves now and then), they almost always spring back!


Spider Plant

I’ve been on the hunt for one of these little guys for a while, because frankly, I think they should be in every house! They can remove up to 95% of the impurities in the air around them, they shoot off tiny ‘spider babies’ that can be repotted into new plants, and they’re just pretty to look at. Another great air-cleaning option tp put in a hanging planter, or even to perch on a windowsill (they can tolerate slightly cooler temps, so they’re window-friendly!).

That’s it! Those are the three houseplants we’d recommend that every home gets this winter. They’ll clean your air, they’ll bring you joy, and their beautiful pops of green might just make your dreary grey winter days a little bit brighter!

This Guy!


My front line product tester, side kick, fun-seeker, sleep-boycotter, and ultimate joy! We're a team! Oh, and did I mention he has a little baby sister too?!

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