New Mom Gear Guide: Strollers
After your car seat, your stroller is probably the decision you’ll spend the most time thinking about. Should you get a full size stroller? Convenience? One with a bassinet? Three-wheels or four? The list of variables is endless, and the decision can seem a bit...

3 Steps to Simpler Pumping
I don’t know if it’s because Em is suddenly looking like a legitimate ‘big boy’, but we’ve been spending lots of time lately reflecting on his first year, thinking about what we might adjust/tweak if we were able to do it over again. I’m pretty sure I spent roughly...

Gear Guide: Car Seats
The Car Seat. We like to call this decision ‘the big one’. It can seem the most overwhelming, not just because it’s the piece of equipment most tied to your babe’s daily safety, but because there are roughly a trillion regulations, that all differ slightly from...

5 Tips for Editing Great Photos
Can we start with a little disclaimer here? Guys, I am in no way a professional photographer. But I do love taking pics of my sweet fam, and I’ve gained some tips and tricks along the way. And because you guys are awesome (and waaaaay too kind), a few of you have...

Gear Guide: Carriers
If I could wear Em in a carrier until he goes to high school, I would. I can’t tell you the number of times that tucking our little guy into a carrier has saved our sanity. Baby wearing makes life easier. That’s all there is to it. Not only does it offer a convenient...