Pandemic Back to School Shopping Guide
I get it. Pandemic Back to School Shopping feels a bit overwhelming. I mean, do we really even know what we’re going to need? (Side note: if you're curious why we decided to send our kids back to school, check out the post we wrote HERE.) But, back to whether we know...
Back to School 2020 (The One During the Global Pandemic)
So, back to school 2020. It’s a doozey. Let’s just start by stating the obvious, there’s no perfect answer. Not one. Keeping your kids home to homeschool? Whew. That’s hard. Keeping your kids home to participate in distance learning? Whew. That’s hard. Sending your...
DIY Plant Propagation Station
It’s official. I’m running out of glass containers in my house to propagate baby plants in. So naturally, I did some hunting for cute propagation station ideas, and found this cute little guy that I wanted to take a stab at DIY’ing! Because you know I love a good ol'...
My Two-Year-Old and I Were Tested for Covid
So, it happened. Despite being in virtual isolation for the past 3 months, Charlie and I were both tested for Covid this weekend. Let me back up a second for some quick background. We live in Toronto, one of the areas in Canada that still has a significant number of...
Buying Online? Look at These Businesses First
Small businesses and local businesses are the backbone of our communities and our economy. They’re run by passionate entrepreneurs, who see a need and address it. They invest time, energy and love into making our Canadian towns and cities unique. And right now our...