How Wateraft Took Our Summer to the Next Level!
If you’ve been following along on any of our social media channels, you’ll know that 1) we’ve been up at the lake a whole bunch this summer, trying to squeeze out as much time on the water as possible, and 2) we’ve found a new favourite family water toy. Out cottage...

Beat the Last of the Summer Heat!
It’s the middle of August, and in Ontario I can probably count on two hands the number of truly lovely summer days we’ve had. So, man, is it ever nice to finally be looking for ways to beat the heat! Looks like we could finally be in for some hot hot days as the...

Summer Toddler Boredom Buster
Are you counting down the last few weeks of summer? Searching for a fun activity for your toddler, but running a little low on creativity? If you answered no... tell me all your secrets. And if you're like us, and you're all 'heck yes!', then check out the quick vid...

The Secret’s Out! It’s A …
If you've been on the edge of your seat, anxiously trying to guess baby number 2's gender (no, just us?)... Well, the cat's out of the bag, and today's the day for the big reveal! Are you ready??? IT'S A ..... BABY GIRL!!! You guys, we had the most fabulous day...

Fab Finds: Beat the Heat
It’s finally hot! And given the dreary, chilly start to the summer, the last thing we want to do is complain about the warmth. But a pregnant lady feeeeeeeels the heat in a way that no person should. You know, like with a dewy face, and swollen ankles. This is our...