Em’s Monochromatic Big Boy Room
Okay. I'm going to start this post with a little apology for being tardy. I fully meant to have this up like a month ago... but you know, life. Now that that's out of the way, we're super excited to share Em's big boy room with you! We had a few goals for the space...

Some Second-Pregnancy Real Talk
Pregnancy. It’s a little different the second time around. If you’ve been following us for a while, you’ll know that our pregnancy this time around has been dramatically different than it was with Emmett. Not in the physiological sense – that’s all been pretty similar...

Baby Registry Must-Haves!
It wasn’t that long ago that we were registering for items for wee baby Emmett – blindly trying to decide what we thought we’d need, and doing our best to follow our instincts on items we thought would be useful. Now, on the other side of baby number one and gearing...

Two Times the… Fun?!?
34 weeks. I’ve been pregnant for 34 weeks already, and it seems like a blur. How can it be so much different this time around? Well, if we’re being honest, the first 13 weeks were survival mode. Morning sickness, queasiness and exhaustion, all with a toddler on the...

One Step at A Time: A Hard Lesson Courtesy of Motherhood
Motherhood. It’s a doozy. There can be weeks and weeks when I go along thinking everything is fine, and then BAM. A life lesson smacks you in the face. I’m going to go ahead and admit here (because it’s just us, right?!) that I can be a little bit Type A about things....