Family Photography Made for Busy Moms
One of the great side benefits to sharing our lives in this little corner of the internet, is that I take a lot of pictures. My kids have an enormous number of photos of themselves, and they’re all safely tucked away in files on my hard drive. But you know what? There...

This Newborn Thing? It’s Just Not for Me (and YES, I Still Love My Babies Wildly!)
If you’ve been following along, you know that we’re slugging through those hazy crazy newborn days right now. We’re just two months into life with Charlie, and all the adjustments that come with that. And I know what you’re about to say… because I’ve felt the very...

Tips for Swaddling Your Baby that Promote Hip Health
As promised, I filmed a quick video showing some of the swaddling tips we've learned that promote healthy hip development for infants. I mention this in the video as well, but it's worth saying again: If you have any questions or concerns about your babe's health -...

Cleaning With Kids: How to Make it Happen!
A clean house, you say? Pardon? I’m pretty sure my house hasn’t been what my ‘pre-children’ self would consider clean, for roughly two years. That being said, despite the chaos, I’m not willing to let things go completely. Firstly, because we’re going to have lots of...

Our Favourite Hot Chocolate Recipe
Is it starting to get chilly where you live too?! One of our favourite ways to warm up in the winter is with a big ol’ cup of hot chocolate! This year Em’s old enough to join in the tasty chocolaty fun, so we’re sharing the recipe we use to make our fave creamy, yummy...