100 Nights with Endy: Our Endy Mattress Review
It’s been almost 100 nights since our Endy mattress arrived. I promised you guys that I’d give you a full run down of exactly what we think of the mattress after we’d had a few months to settle into it…. So here goes! In short? We love it. What is it about the Endy...

We Dig It : How We Get Our Toddler Involved in Serving our Community
Sometimes I wonder… How do we teach our kids (and toddlers at that!) the value of serving and giving back to their community? In our family we truly feel that a passion for helping and serving others is one of the most important things we’re going to teach our...

Your Complete Cottage Packing Guide for a Successful Trip with a Baby (and a toddler!)
We go to the cottage with our fam in all four seasons, and I can tell you after some marathon cottage packing, unpacking and re-packing sessions… making the trip with a baby and a toddler is no joke! We’ve got our summer cottage packing list basically down pat, so I...

Enough With the Mom Guilt! Music to my ears…
Hey second-time mamas… Remember that mom and baby music class you signed baby number one up for? Likely weeks in advance? The same one you lovingly went to every week, where you sang, danced and played with your little ones – giving them your undivided attention? Yep....

The Homemade vs Premade Baby Food Balance
Charlie’s officially taken to this whole eating thing like a fish to water (or like Emmett to food… because apparently both of my kids can EAT). We’ve been busy introducing new foods to her, and exploring new flavours and textures, and it’s one of my favourite things....